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  1. VUnicorn

    Distribution Charming Characters and Romance Scene Illustration [Coloso, Jii]

    Explore the Art of Storytelling through Your Original Characters Do you struggle to bring your original characters to life? You want to capture their essence and personality perfectly, but the results don’t always meet your expectations. Crafting romance scenes between characters can feel even...
  2. VUnicorn

    Delivered 2D Action Animation Starter Pack [Coloso, Mary Kim]

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  3. VUnicorn

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  4. VUnicorn

    Distribution Master Vibrant Pixel Art and Dynamic Animations - 色彩が際立つピクセルアートの基礎からアニメーション制作まで [Coloso, Nanamiyuki, ななみ雪]

    How to Create Dynamic Pixel Animations and Choose Colors in Pixel Art Join Nanami Snow, a talented pixel artist known for creating atmospheric art reminiscent of novel scenes and movies, as she guides you through everything from the basics of pixel art to using animation tools. What You'll...
  5. VUnicorn

    Delivered Storyboarding Mentorship [CGMA, James Fujii - 2023]

    I respond to all messages via DM, so there’s no need to tag me in every thread. Please be patient—I’ll get back to everyone.
  6. VUnicorn

    Distribution Creating Expressive Characters: Professional Impasto Painting - 厚塗りで完成する表情豊かなキャラクター制作 [Coloso, Pipi, GBC Dub]

    Learn to Create Emotionally Rich Characters with PiPi’s Thick Painting Techniques PiPi, a versatile illustrator known for her work across character design and light novels, brings her expertise to this comprehensive course. From mastering expressive character illustration and advanced coloring...
  7. VUnicorn

    Distribution Mastering Mood & Ambiance in Digital Illustration - 空気感を演出した美しい一枚絵の制作ノウハウ[Coloso, Kina Kazuharu, 和遥キナ, GBC Dub]

    Master the Art of Lighting, Color, and Atmosphere for Emotion-Filled Illustrations Kina Kazuharu, a renowned illustrator known for her versatile work across PC games, magazines, and book covers, invites you to discover her techniques for creating breathtaking, emotionally rich illustrations. In...
  8. VUnicorn

    Distribution Craft Crystal-Clear Manga: The Art of Eye Flow Control - 視線誘導に特化した読みやすい漫画の作り方[Coloso, Yamada Kintetsu, GBC Dub]

    Master the Art of Readable Manga and Character Design Yamada Kintetsu, an award-winning manga artist known for his masterpiece "Hot Soapy," which has been adapted into a drama and expanded internationally, shares his expertise in this comprehensive course. With a reputation for highly readable...
  9. VUnicorn

    Distribution Visual Storytelling: Bring Fantasy Scenes to Life - シーンを切り取り目を楽しませる空想イラスト表現 [Coloso, Soraizumi, GBC Dub]

    The Secret to Fantasy Still Illustration: Maximizing Synergy Between Characters and Backgrounds With over 13 years of experience, Soraizumi has worked on numerous still illustrations across diverse themes, primarily for beautiful-girl smartphone games. Now, for the first time, they are sharing...