Search results

  1. strawberry

    Delivered Modeling & Toon Shading Cartoon-Style Girl Characters - 카툰형 미소녀 캐릭터 3ds Max 모델링&툰쉐이딩 [Coloso, Taeckgyu Han]

    this GB is a part of the sequel:
  2. strawberry

    Delivered Cute Girl Character Modeling with Zbrush and 3ds Max - Zbrush, 3ds Max로 끝내는 미소녀 캐릭터 모델링 Class [Coloso, Han Taek-kyu (Han Taeckgyu)]

    you can get ZBrush part here: and 3DS Max part...
  3. strawberry

    Delivered Building 3D Toy Models with Blender and Quixel Mixer - 블렌더와 퀵셀믹서로 만드는 3D 토이 캐릭터 [Coloso, Kim Junhyun (Joon Hyun Kim)]

    Another great delivery today: Kim Junhyun's course has arrived, enjoy learning, guys! 🤩
  4. strawberry

    Delivered Capturing the Ambiance in an Illustration - 한 장으로 스토리를 표현하는 분위기 극대화 캐릭터 일러스트 [Coloso, KanashiKumo]

    since only three users have supported this GB, we haven't purchased the global version. Instead, we got it from Coloso Korean at a discounted price during one of their events. As a bonus, we have prepared official Korean subtitles 🤗
  5. strawberry

    Delivered Haeo's Beginner's Face Drawing Course - 해오의 입문자를 위한 얼굴 그리기 강의 [Fast Campus, Haeo (Hae0)]

    Haeo's Face Drawing course has been delivered, enjoy learning, guys! 🤩