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    Delivered The 50-Chapter Guide to Developing Game Backgrounds for Concept Artists - 게임 배경 컨셉 아티스트를 위한 핵심 공략서 [Coloso, Redhong]

    Game Background Concept Art Practical Course Finale! Redhong Anhongil's Comprehensive 50-Class Series I want to learn the basics of the concept art workflow and portfolio preparation in detail. But where and how should I start? In this class, you'll learn the step-by-step practical process of...
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    Accepted 2D FX animation with spectacular effects 화려한 이펙트가 돋보이는 2D FX 애니메이션 [Coloso, Jonghyun Jeong]

    Are you looking for something in your own footage or animation that looks a bit dull and want to add some flavorful effects? The most outstanding device that enhances the overall expressiveness of the video, including the flow of the story and the movement of the characters, is ‘FX animation’...