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    Trade Successful Character Design with Leslie Tran 2023-08

    well ye i still have it and we could trade ye
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    its breaking down the figure in sumple forms, grouping anatomy to draw it fast and easily and rotate it in perspective, ultimately you will harness your skill son drawing figures from imagination, also they dont allow sharing email and stuff on this platform and since they didnt bother wanting...
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    Distribution All About Japanese Key Animation: Genga [Coloso,Julien Cortey]

    have it laying around if u need it
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    Trade Successful Character Design with Leslie Tran 2023-08

    Recently bought this one, the artist has really great shape design and characters, so it might be useful for most.
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    Delivered Class+: Designing Eye-Catching Anime Characters [Coloso, Chyan, GBC Dub]

    ye was before we finished it, sorry man haha
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    Delivered Class+: Designing Eye-Catching Anime Characters [Coloso, Chyan, GBC Dub]

    So did we finish the trade or whats the plan?
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    Accepted Intro to Inbetweening Animation and Practical Skills

    We didnt finish the last trade i started with strawberr (Chyans Class += so i wont upload till thats done
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    Write to my mail when u read this! we can set something up :)
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    #### just write me there and we can talk about and upload stuff
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    well i would just post my spam mail here and we can either exchange telegram or links to download if u guys are happy with trades
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    i can recommned u peter hans classes they ar epretty amazing
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    As right now i have the fnd 2 witch wayne johnson, charcter design and perspective bootcamp from brainstorm, other classes are in the list
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    do you remember which teachers u had? I think for figure drawing it was michael hampton
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    Various Art Classes (moderndayjames, Kirk Shinmoto, Peter Han. Coloso, Brainstorm School)

    ah if u have it: theres an animal sketching class by sorie kim which goes 10 weeks or so