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  1. M

    Distribution Brand Design: From Real-World Skills to Creating a Portfolio - 브랜드 디자인, 실무부터 포트폴리오 완성까지 [Coloso, Youngwoo Jeong, BX디자이너 정영우]

    Hi. I'm still waiting on this course, I can't access it even if I clicked conversation after purchasing it. When will it be available?
  2. M

    Distribution Going Beyond Theory: Creating Typography Posters [Coloso, Junki Hong]

    I see. So does it mean I have to wait until we get 10 people for group buy?
  3. M

    Distribution Going Beyond Theory: Creating Typography Posters [Coloso, Junki Hong]

    I paid and clicked "conversation" but i ran into the window that I do not have permission to view the page :(
  4. M

    Distribution Going Beyond Theory: Creating Typography Posters [Coloso, Junki Hong]

    Hi. After doing credit top-up, I clicked group buy and paid $7. How do you access the video after this?
  5. M

    Distribution Going Beyond Theory: Creating Typography Posters [Coloso, Junki Hong]

    How can I buy this? I clicked Pay - Purchase but it says I don't have enough credits :( Not sure how to charge the credit.