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  1. shazam

    Delivered Form From Imagination By Steven Zapata

    Fyi, so I was able to get the seller to respond. And got the discount code to work. Nothing about the discount code indicated how much of a discount I would get. It was only 93 cents. :ROFLMAO:
  2. shazam

    Delivered Form From Imagination By Steven Zapata

    I'll wait for now. If I can get a discount using the discount code, I'd like to do that. Thanks!
  3. shazam

    Delivered Form From Imagination By Steven Zapata

    I forgot to mention that when I applied the discount code sent to me, they page where you buy said the "Coupon code *[discount code]* is not valid". My confusion is that TAKE PREMIUM themselves sent me the discount code.
  4. shazam

    Delivered Form From Imagination By Steven Zapata

    I recently (past week) bought a 1 Year Premium from mediafileCLOUD through TAKE PREMIUM. All went well, got my voucher, paid for courses, got the course. All good. The thing is TAKE PREMIUM sent/gave me a discount code, and for the life of me, I can't get it to work. I messaged TAKE PREMIUM...
  5. shazam

    Delivered Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 3 - Advanced Body Mechanics and Pantomime Acting [iAnimate]

    Hi, I just purchase mediafileCloud 1 year Premium for $46.54 (plus added cost). How do I now pay for this iAnimate workshop? How do I transfer my Premium payment from my mediafileCloud account over my GBC account?
  6. shazam

    PayPal and credit card

    Is this a glitch on my end or is PayPal no longer a way to pay for mediafile Cloud vouchers? Earlier this week, PayPal was an option on my end, but now it's gone.
  7. shazam

    Must-Read A Detailed Guide on How GB Works for Participants

    I asked Strawberry a similar question but how do I buy 1 year $46.54USD from the MediaFile Cloud but have it be under my account "McLovin" in GBC? Is there a post that explains how this is done? They seem like two different accounts: MediaFile Cloud account, and GBC account.
  8. shazam

    Must-Read A Detailed Guide on How GB Works for Participants

    Hi, so now all the iAnimate course are 40 credits each since they are all in the Distribution Phase? I wrote a similar msg asking for clarification to Owl. I'm new to all this.
  9. shazam

    Delivered Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 6 - Sequence Work [iAnimate]

    Hi, I just created an account with GBC, and need some clarification on how Group Buys work. I just read "A Detailed Guide on How GB Works for Participants", and Strawberry wrote "Signup and payment with the initial fee, if you join at the project distribution phase, fee would be...
  10. shazam

    Delivered Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 2 - Body Mechanics [iAnimate]

    If I buy a Mediafile Premium 12-month voucher I will get $47 credits, then I can transfer $20 credits to purchase this GB, and get the lessons since it's in PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION? Is this how it works?
  11. shazam

    Delivered Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 3 - Advanced Body Mechanics and Pantomime Acting [iAnimate]

    Hi, when you say "The course has been delivered" and the Purchase stage: Product distribution, does that mean that as soon as I pay, I can watch/download the "Advanced Body Mechanics and Pantomime Acting" lessons? Btw ... when I click "Purchase" it says "Sorry, you need 20.00 Credits to purchase...
  12. shazam

    Delivered Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 6 - Sequence Work [iAnimate]

    If I pay $18, will the workshop be available immediately for me to view?
  13. shazam

    Hey, did you go into the group buy for "Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 5 - Full Body...

    Hey, did you go into the group buy for "Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 5 - Full Body Acting, Facial and Lip Sync [iAnimate]"? Can you let me know if this is legit, and that you got the Workshop videos after paying $18 or $20?