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  1. Zatch

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
  2. Zatch

    If you are going through hell, keep going. You'll get through it.

    If you are going through hell, keep going. You'll get through it.
  3. Zatch

    nobody listens to me :-(

    nobody listens to me :-(
  4. Zatch

    Surround yourself with the people that will lift you higher ..

    Surround yourself with the people that will lift you higher ..
  5. Zatch

    There may be many people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to...

    There may be many people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you.
  6. Zatch

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
  7. Zatch


  8. Zatch

    Learning never exhausts the mind

    Learning never exhausts the mind
  9. Zatch

    An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production.. So Focus.. People Focus

    An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production.. So Focus.. People Focus
  10. Zatch

    Put your heart♥, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

    Put your heart♥, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
  11. Zatch

    last time i tried to register I came to know. To get into korean websites You need phone number...

    last time i tried to register I came to know. To get into korean websites You need phone number linked with korean offical id which validates your age and citiizenship.. [i came to know this through reddit ]. But this is 2 years old.. So this is the only info i know..
  12. Zatch

    गन्धेन हीनं सुमनो न शोभते दन्तैर्विहीनं वदनं न भाति । सत्येन हीनं वचनं न दीप्यते पुण्येन हीन...

    गन्धेन हीनं सुमनो न शोभते दन्तैर्विहीनं वदनं न भाति । सत्येन हीनं वचनं न दीप्यते पुण्येन हीन: पुरुषो जघन्य:।।
  13. Zatch

    A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on...

    A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but on its own wings.
  14. Zatch

    A year from now , you may wish you have started today.. So start right now or regret it forever..

    A year from now , you may wish you have started today.. So start right now or regret it forever..
  15. Zatch

    May the canvas of your life be painted with the colours of joy, love, success, and happiness in...

    May the canvas of your life be painted with the colours of joy, love, success, and happiness in 2024. Let Holi be the occasion to add new hues to your life. Wishing eveyone a very Happy Holi!
  16. Zatch

    Success is what comes after, you stop making excuses.

    Success is what comes after, you stop making excuses.
  17. Zatch

    If you are getting uncomfortable , you are getting better.

    If you are getting uncomfortable , you are getting better.
  18. Zatch

    A Hundred failurres would not matter when one single success could change your destiny.

    A Hundred failurres would not matter when one single success could change your destiny.
  19. Zatch

    Though, You can love💖 what you do not master📚. But you cannot master📚✒ what you do not love💖. SO...

    Though, You can love💖 what you do not master📚. But you cannot master📚✒ what you do not love💖. SO PUT YOUR HEART💗 AND SOUL👻 IN EVERYTHING , YOU CHOOSE TO FOLLOW👉