Delivered 6 Week Painting Class [Zak Retz]

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6 Week Painting Class [Zak Retz]


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Jul 21, 2023
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6 Week Painting Class

Product Type
Video Course
Product URL
Zac Retz
English, English subtitles
Release date
Sep 28, 2023
Skill level
3.00 star(s)
Project Files
Product Price

GET READY TO PAINT A LOT AND LEVEL UP AS AN ARTIST! Join me as we do tons of studies / quick paintings, analyze great art, start painting more efficiently and better!



This is a class focused on studying and ways to continually improve as an artist no matter what skill level you are at. We may talk about Visdev a bit, but in this class we are purely focused on just painting. We look at ways to improve values, color, composition, design, brushwork, and efficiency. Each week we will look at master paintings, photography, and screenshots from movies. We will learn how to analyze what make the images great and how we can translate these elements to our own work. We will look at different painting techniques, from painterly, to graphic. We will learn how to build our own painting style and how to combine references to create original / unique art.

Each week there will be a short lesson, then demo for the remainder of class. Classes will be 2 hours long. Each class will be recorded and uploaded to gumroad so you can watch at any time. All PSDs, brushes and materials will also be uploaded. Everyone is encouraged to ask questions during class.

This is a class for any skill level but I do recommend you take my “intro the Photoshop and Values” class first. Feel free to use any software you want (photoshop, Heavy Paint, Procreate…) or even traditional.
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Hi, what is the "View Group 5" for? It is not accessible

I also edited your Post a bit; feel like with images it looks better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hi, as we have reached the goal, can you guide me how to pay ?
Is the course available, has it been fully backed yet? Interested in buying it after it has been purchased and distributed here
Bro if everyone keep waiting. The course won’t be distributed anytime soon……
It says backed 10/10 so that is why I am asking has it been fully backed or is it a bug
uh it sort of indicator how many people interested. yhe blue bar is indicator how many people pay

So is the price 7 dollars or 5 dollars? And how to pay for it?
$7. Crypto and media file but u need owl approval anyway @owl

In order to join this buy should I purchase mediafile premium again? I have 2.50 credit though
Yes. You need buy it again.
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