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Aug 5, 2023
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This is Piece took me 3 months to complete! It was my first time putting so much time on an Artwork. I'm really happy with how it finished.
I almost gave up multiple times! But was able to push through! I hope you guys like it!
Tyr Champion Final low resjpg.jpg
WOwwwww the attention to detail is mind blowing!! Incredible job with this one mate, 3 months!!! thats some dedication.... How did you manage to push through? Its something I've yet to learn to do, can you give some tips on that?
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WOwwwww the attention to detail is mind blowing!! Incredible job with this one mate, 3 months!!! thats some dedication.... How did you manage to push through? Its something I've yet to learn to do, can you give some tips on that?
haha Thank you so much! and I did around 1-3 hours of work on it per day, there would be some days that I wouldn't have time.
I would come back from work and paint.
I also told myself no video games until I finished it, So that was a motivating aspect.
I have a big beard, so I used myself as a photo reference. lol
And I looked at it like a mental training. To conquer self doubt, a feeling of this is pointless and my trait that wants to give up all the time. (haha not sure if I conquered them but they are less present.)

But ever since I finished this piece, I've been terrified of starting a new one, Now I'm afraid of committing to a big project. I still have to analyze whats behind this new fear.

This class helped me a lot to be able to do this piece!
I used the techniques learned from this class.
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Hell! even opening the project again feels so daunting to me.. forget about giving 1-2 hrs everyday... The self doubt is paralysing sometimes, I have started to understand that there is another bigger factor in play called BURNOUT, that I never seemed to notice or give attention to before. Realising that has helped me a bit to not go too hard on myself and learn that break is very important.

Your story is really inspiring brother, thanks so much for your insight. I've heard that same saying of no other distraction before the said work is done, its time I start doing that too ✊

This gives me hope, theres literally a very similar battle I'm going through, an artwork that I too started which ended up becoming a goal to defeat the quitting mindset, which was on pause until now, im motivated to push through and finish it 💪

But ever since I finished this piece, I've been terrified of starting a new one, Now I'm afraid of committing to a big project. I still have to analyze whats behind this new fear.

Thats a very interesting problem that I never thought about ... Please let us know here if you manage to find a solution to that. Me personally I think I would devise an optimized workflow, if the lack of time is the problem here.
Hell! even opening the project again feels so daunting to me.. forget about giving 1-2 hrs everyday... The self doubt is paralysing sometimes, I have started to understand that there is another bigger factor in play called BURNOUT, that I never seemed to notice or give attention to before. Realising that has helped me a bit to not go too hard on myself and learn that break is very important.

Your story is really inspiring brother, thanks so much for your insight. I've heard that same saying of no other distraction before the said work is done, its time I start doing that too ✊

This gives me hope, theres literally a very similar battle I'm going through, an artwork that I too started which ended up becoming a goal to defeat the quitting mindset, which was on pause until now, im motivated to push through and finish it 💪

Thats a very interesting problem that I never thought about ... Please let us know here if you manage to find a solution to that. Me personally I think I would devise an optimized workflow, if the lack of time is the problem here.
WOW I never thought my story would inspire anyone! im glad it inspired at least 1 person!

and Yeah... Burnout is intense, I myself reached there hoping to reach a level in my art skills to try to make a living with it.
Even though I made this piece (which i am super proud of) the sad truth of it is, that 3 months is a very long time.
This discouraged me to continue investing more time to practice getting paintings to extreme render quality.
I stopped painting for 5 months after this piece.

Now finally, i just enjoy doing Figure Drawings. 10-20 min a day.
to practice anatomy.

I'm a massage therapist (12 years exp) and personal trainer (this year) , so doing figure drawings helps me with mastering my anatomy and helping my clients.

I wanted to be an Artist because it was supposed to fun and not feel like work. But its feeling like more work. so whats the point?
and if money is the reason. then there are other ways of making money, why am I breaking myself in half to try to make it as an artist?

the thing that helped me was looking at a theory called intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation.
I kind of stopped focusing on trying to "make it" as an artist. (extrinsic motivation) which was putting too much pressure on me to be great.. (which i believe led to Burnout)
Having another direction in my life as a massage therapist and Personal trainer helped with this.

So I started to find the joy of painting and having fun while painting, discovering new techniques, trying out different styles, (intrinsic motivation)
I really discovered that there might be some Styles that I will find super cool and inspiring, but I hate drawing it myself.
and some others styles that I really enjoy drawing.

So there is a process of letting go (a painful process) which requires a time of grief. which is kind of funny to say. but it's necessary.

than comes a time of acceptance and discovery. A book that helped me, which is kind of a cliche but wtv. (ekhart tolle the power of now.)
So now it's becoming a journey of self discovery.

BUT I still would like to create My own Art one day with Fun, Passion and Joy, and make good money with it too xD
5 months.... that sounds very familiar, I've been there too... I'm happy you found a solution to keep that fire burning with doing regular drawings, I've been toying a similar idea of studying/practicing the fundamentals for an hour regularly. That way it'll atleast add up to something big one day, rather than only sitting down on a blue moon when I have a grand idea to paint hahaaha
the thing that helped me was looking at a theory called intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation.
I kind of stopped focusing on trying to "make it" as an artist. (extrinsic motivation) which was putting too much pressure on me to be great.. (which i believe led to Burnout)
Having another direction in my life as a massage therapist and Personal trainer helped with this.
hmmm thats a very interesting idea, I seem to have it all tangled up, which explains my misery!! I need to look into this theory and learn about it, thanks alot for the guidance
A book that helped me, which is kind of a cliche but wtv. (ekhart tolle the power of now.)
So now it's becoming a journey of self discovery.
Not a big fan of reading books but from what I see you gain from it, I should give it a look, thank you for recommending it 🙏
BUT I still would like to create My own Art one day with Fun, Passion and Joy, and make good money with it too xD
Every artists dream :love: do you have any ideas in mind how you would want to go about doing so? Selling merchandise/Books/Posters etc?
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5 months.... that sounds very familiar, I've been there too... I'm happy you found a solution to keep that fire burning with doing regular drawings, I've been toying a similar idea of studying/practicing the fundamentals for an hour regularly. That way it'll atleast add up to something big one day, rather than only sitting down on a blue moon when I have a grand idea to paint hahaaha

hmmm thats a very interesting idea, I seem to have it all tangled up, which explains my misery!! I need to look into this theory and learn about it, thanks alot for the guidance

Not a big fan of reading books but from what I see you gain from it, I should give it a look, thank you for recommending it 🙏

Every artists dream :love: do you have any ideas in mind how you would want to go about doing so? Selling merchandise/Books/Posters etc?
Haha Yeah that's what I'm noticing as well.
Just practicing the fundamentals, 30 min to 1 hour a day is becoming super important for me now xD

and yeah I hope it can shed some light in your situation!
and let me know if you find anything as well!

and no not yet. I don't know what kind of thing I want to do. I still have to master learning to Enjoy painting without adding pressure xD
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