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Full disclosure of character creation techniques|Vivid characters X Texture coloring X Delicate performance


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Jul 19, 2023
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Full disclosure of character creation techniques|Vivid characters X Texture coloring X Delicate performance

Product Type
Video Course
Product URL
Chinese(Taiwanese), Traditional Chinese sub, English subtitles
Release date
Mar 22, 2024
Skill level
1.00 star(s)
Product Price

  • 第一章、軟體知識篇:CSP實用操作 Chapter 1, Software Knowledge: Practical Operation of CSP
    1-1 圖層應用與常用操作 1-1 Layer application and common operations
    1-2 筆刷分享與前置配置 1-2 Brush sharing and pre-configuration

  • 第二章、人物骨架篇:解構全身部位 Chapter Two, Character Skeleton: Deconstructing Body Parts
    2-1 全身比例 2-1 Body proportions
    2-2 頭部五官比例 2-2 Proportion of head and facial features
    2-3 男女全身畫法 2-3 Full body drawing of men and women
    2-4 動態人體繪畫演練:5 個動作 2-4 Animated Figure Drawing Walkthrough: 5 Movements

  • 第三章、構圖設計篇:畫面安排 Chapter Three, Composition Design: Screen Arrangement
    3-1 豐富畫面的靈感發想 3-1 Inspiration for rich images
    3-2 畫面與人物設計 3-2 Screen and character design
    3-3 構圖法則 3-3 Composition Rules
    3-4 如何打稿 3-4 How to draft

  • 第四章、人物上色篇 (1):光影營造 Chapter 4, Character Coloring (1): Light and Shadow Creation
    4-1 光影二分 4-1 light and shadow two points
    4-2 打光要點 4-2 Key points of lighting
    4-3 人物打光實戰教學:三種光源 4-3 Practical teaching of character lighting: three light sources
    4-4 打光作業解說 4-4 Explanation of lighting operation

  • 第五章、人物上色篇 (2):灰階與色彩 Chapter 5, Character Coloring (2): Gray scale and color
    5-1 灰階繪畫邏輯 5-1 Grayscale painting logic
    5-2 色彩知識 5-2 Color knowledge
    5-3 選色技巧 5-3 Color selection skills
    5-4 統一畫面色調 5-4 Unify the color tone of the screen
    5-5 營造視覺焦點 5-5 Create visual focus
    5-6 藏色手法:增加畫面色彩豐富度 5-6 Color hiding technique: increase the color richness of the picture
    5-7 色彩敏感度練習 5-7 Color Sensitivity Exercises

  • 第六章、深入細化篇:細膩透明感上色流程 Chapter 6, In-depth refinement: delicate and transparent coloring process
    6-1 拆解上色流程:玻璃透感頭髮繪製 6-1 Dismantling and coloring process: glass penetrating hair drawing
    6-2 拆解上色流程:玻璃透感眼睛畫法 6-2 Dismantling and coloring process: glass penetrating eye painting method
    6-3 質感繪製:皮膚 6-3 Texture Rendering: Skin
    6-4 布料皺摺畫法 6-4 Cloth wrinkle drawing method

  • 第七章、繪畫流程全解說 Chapter Seven, Full Explanation of the Painting Process
    7-1 草稿:雙人構圖示範 7-1 Draft: Two-person Composition Demonstration
    7-2 灰階打光 7-2 Grayscale lighting
    7-3 色彩佈置 7-3 Color arrangement
    7-4 玻璃感五官上色 7-4 Coloring of glass senses and five senses
    7-5 玻璃感頭髮上色 7-5 Glass hair coloring
    7-6 服裝上色 7-6 Clothing coloring
    7-7 背景繪製 7-7 Background drawing
    7-8 細化質感繪製 7-8 Refined texture drawing
    7-9 完稿細修&特效 7-9 Fine editing & special effects

  • 解鎖章節 unlock chapter (unlocked!)
  • 300 人解鎖|金屬材質 Unlocked by 300 people|Metal Material
  • 600 人解鎖|玻璃材質 Unlocked by 600 people|Glass material
  • 750 人解鎖|水質感 Unlocked by 750 people|Water Texture

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- English subtitles will be translated by DeepL free version and checked by manually. (The quality can refer to the txt file.)


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