Beginners How To Obtain Crypto (Fast, Easy, and probably Anonymously) WIP

*This guide is manly for people who just want to buy and spend crypto easily. I will not be explaining how to invest or anything like that
*I'm not really the well versed in crypto but this is what I've found researching this thread also might change a lot as well so if you're unsure about any of the info here I might be better if you look into yourself.
I*f you have any new/better information on what I wrote here feel free to share in the comments.

What Is Crypto?​

Crypto or Cryptocurrency is an online digital which operates independently of any bank.(I have to add more shit to this)

Where Do I Buy Crypto?​

Crypto can be traded, sold and bought from many different places.

BEWARE! most of crypto exchanges operate on KYC otherwise know as Know Your Customer/Client. This means that in order to use their services, you might need to give up your PERSONAL INFO such as your SSN (social security number), HOME ADDRESS and/or Phone Number.

One exchange I really recommend is Mt Pelerin, which is a crypto exchange based in Sweden that has low fees
and your only required to give out your phone number (or email use their wallet) in order to use it. :)

Which Coin/Token do I buy?​

For Up-Toping your credits on group buy, you should buy any token or coin listed by owl HERE (BEFORE YOU SEND YOUR CRYPTO MAKE SURE YOU TRADE ITON THE RIGHT NETWORK IF YOU'RE NOT YOU'LL HAVE TO SWAP THE COINS TO TRX, THE NETWORK THAT OWL IS USING. FAILING TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN YOU LOSING THE CRYPTO YOU'RE WERE TRYING TO SEND). But the coin I would recommend buying is USDT (Tether Coin), its a stablecoin meaning that the value of it never changes in price.

What Wallet Should I Get?​

After you buy crypto for however much amount, you'll need to be able to access it. A simple way to do this is with a
A crypto wallet is a stores keys that let you access your crypto on the blockchain. What you'll probably want is Non-Custodial wallet which is a wallet that stores the keys required to use your crypto on whatever device its on. Non-Custodial wallets give you a

Some Non-Custodial wallets I would recommend:

  • ATOMIC WALLET - Good Wallet for beginners. Wouldn't recommend buying crypto from them since min to do so is 50.00 USD
  • BRIDGE WALLET(mobile app only) - also another good wallet for beginners. I would warn that the UI is a little buggy and kind of slow but otherwise no issues as of now.


*with some exceptions.​

When you trade crypto with someone the wallet address of both participants is recorded to the blockchain. Blockchain explorers on the web can show how much was traded between two wallets, what time it took place, and even what exchange it was traded (places like Coinbase or Binance etc.). To be frank, unless you post your wallet address anywhere publicly, I don't see it being used as a way to find out who you are. But with enough info it probably could be.

Here's some videos that explain it a little better:
Here’s Why Bitcoin is NOT Anonymous (And what to do...)

How to Trace Bitcoin Transactions (and avoid yours being traced)
Stolen Bitcoin Tracing - Computerphile
Bitcoin is NOT anonymous... yet

Sources/Recommended Sites​

*I recommend checking out these sites for more info on what I wrote here
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