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Anime-Style Background Design [Coloso, Luc]




Anime-Style Background Design [Coloso, Luc]

Product Type
Video Course
Product URL
English, English Subtitles
Release date
May 2, 2023
Skill level
2.00 star(s)
Project Files
Product Price
Anime-Style Background Design.jpg

Class Highlights

Learn the Logic Behind Artwork Composition:
The primary goal of creating artwork is to effectively convey your intended message. Every element's placement within the artwork serves a purpose, guiding the viewer's gaze smoothly through the piece as you intended.

Master Perspective Control:
Understand the principles of perspective and apply them confidently in your artwork. The objective is to dispel any misconceptions or biases towards perspective drawing, using these principles to your advantage with greater creative freedom.

Flexible Layout Techniques:
Discover how to compose illustrations with flexibility and intention. Draw with freedom while applying fundamental principles strategically where needed, ensuring your drawings achieve the visual flow you desire.

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In-Depth Look

SECTION 01. Orientation
IntroductionMeet your instructor
Overview of what you will learn
Useful websites and software programs

SECTION 02. Composition
Object Placement
Identifying the "focal point" of a drawing
Using lines and objects to direct focus towards the focal point
Purposeful creation of empty spaces
Establishing rhythmic object placements
Various Composition Guides
Rule of Thirds
Center composition
Golden Ratio
Frames and Orientation
Vertical and horizontal framing techniques
Utilizing edges and borders effectively
Different methods for framing drawings

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SECTION 03. Perspective
Simplifying Perspective Concepts
Understanding eye level
Defining vanishing points
Establishing perspective lines
Choosing the right perspective for your drawing
Perspective Variations
Utilizing multiple-point perspectives
Considering vertical angles
Choosing between wide-angle or telephoto field of view

SECTION 04. Layout
Creating Spatial Depth
Utilizing zigzag arrangements
Implementing three-layer compositions
Utilizing overlaps and obstructions
Leveraging Perspective in Illustrations
Using perspective grids in Photoshop
Applying perspective grids in Procreate
Knowing when to adhere to or deviate from perspective rules

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