Book and Material

Can we open section for group buy book and material for drawing too? Since the book also source of learning art and can be quite pricy.
I think it quite difficult but for the book, I have collect some PDF online and maybe orther people too, if you have specific title you can search in internet archive or google, or put the title here and picture, if someoe have it they can scan or give you link to download.
I think it quite difficult but for the book, I have collect some PDF online and maybe orther people too, if you have specific title you can search in internet archive or google, or put the title here and picture, if someoe have it they can scan or give you link to download.
Can u elaborate why it’s quite difficult. Since I don’t understand what u mean?
Can u elaborate why it’s quite difficult. Since I don’t understand what u mean?
it easier if it is a digital (easy to share to everyone) but if the book just have the physic options it quite hard to find the represent one willing buy and scan it (are you comfortable to spend money to physic but just get the digital) as I said if you have the specific title of the book maybe I can help to find PDF version of this, but hey, there are a lot of course in OCC u can learn from mate, (sorry because english isn't my main language so sometime I can't explaint it in the right way).
it easier if it is a digital (easy to share to everyone) but if the book just have the physic options it quite hard to find the represent one willing buy and scan it (are you comfortable to spend money to physic but just get the digital) as I said if you have the specific title of the book maybe I can help to find PDF version of this, but hey, there are a lot of course in OCC u can learn from mate, (sorry because english isn't my main language so sometime I can't explaint it in the right way
The digital book have no problem, since it share the same principal with gbc course but book. Since I’m the one who propose the idea. I’m quite comfortable to buy the physical book and scan it. The problem is money part. Since it’s quite expensive to pay book, shipping and tax. Of course everybody welcome to be organizer aside me I just share my suggestion to open gbc-book/material section if possible.
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The digital book have no problem, since it share the same principal with gbc course but book. Since I’m the one who propose the idea. I’m quite comfortable to buy the physical book and scan it. The problem is money part. Since it’s quite expensive to pay book, shipping and tax. Of course everybody welcome to be organizer aside me I just share my suggestion to open gbc-book/material section if possible.
yeah i can see the same problem, hope somesone will do in the future. but at present it is not available :(
The good books for learning art are all already available at Z-Library, Its currently banned on the surface web so you have to access them through the dark web which can be easily done using TOR browser, you can search for z library wikipedia page for more information on the links and the methods used to access it. Also if ur worried about the dark web then dont be since its indistinguishable from a normal good quality surface web webpage (Im talking about the Z lib page). Books that have not been published there yet are most likely highly unpopular books or its a new release book
The good books for learning art are all already available at Z-Library, Its currently banned on the surface web so you have to access them through the dark web which can be easily done using TOR browser, you can search for z library wikipedia page for more information on the links and the methods used to access it. Also if ur worried about the dark web then dont be since its indistinguishable from a normal good quality surface web webpage (Im talking about the Z lib page). Books that have not been published there yet are most likely highly unpopular books or its a new release book
Well it's good to have some option, not depending of z library contributor and get material by our own. Also you can access z library by
I mean i was able to get every book i wanted on art from that website even books from smaller creators, so i dont think a gb for books is needed. I think the book you want would be very niche, doesnt have many sales or rather just not helpful for it to be not on z library