Distribution Color Stylization For Vibrant Illustrations - 맑고 화사한 일러스트를 위한 색 데포르메와 채색 테크닉 [Coloso, Chyan, 일러스트레이터 챤]

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Color Stylization For Vibrant Illustrations - 맑고 화사한 일러스트를 위한 색 데포르메와 채색 테크닉 [Coloso, Chyan, 일러스트레이터 챤]

I can't remember how many months it's been since I paid credit for this lecture. It's taking too long.
You said you were working on dubbing and subtitles four months ago, so could you just release the original video first? :cry:
More than 50 courses are being recorded, edited, and rendered(takes lot of time) using powerful CPUs. Recording these videos is challenging, as I've heard that dealing with DRM (Digital Rights Management) issues is quite difficult. Theres even an email visible in the video that needs to be removed before the content can be delivered to us. You also need to upload them, since upload speeds are not equal to downloads in some places it will take time. That’s probably why if they decide to deliver the content in batches it will take some time. I'm not %100 sure about it, but this is just my thoughts. ┐( ̄ヘ ̄; )┌. So be patient ^^