Course feedback forums


Trusted Member
Group Member
GB Participant
Dec 21, 2023
GBG Credits
1. With so many courses and users studying different courses, I think it would be beneficial to have a place (or places) where experiences with a course could be shared. Something like, "I took Rinotuna's course, for 3 months, and now I am able to do this and this better. I didn't like this part of the course". Since we can study from the same courses, and to make it easier to manage, every time that someone is going to create a thread to provide feedback about the course, I suggest utilizing the same title used on the group by thread. For this example, "Express Yourself with Character Ideation [Coloso, Rinotuna, GBC AI Dub]. That way, if more than one user wants to share their experience with the course, only this one thread would be utilized.

2. Since more AI Dub courses are being delivered, perhaps we should have a dedicated area where we could provide feedback on the course's audio/video performance. This would only be to share if something is wrong with the course, like audio breaking, background noise, . . . Just like above, the same rule should be used for sharing feedback, one thread with the exact name of the group by, in order to avoid multiple threads about the same course.