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Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils: Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두텁고 밀도 높게 표현하는 색연필 인물화 기초 [Coloso, Yangji]


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Aug 6, 2023
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Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils: Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두텁고 밀도 높게 표현하는 색연필 인물화 기초 [Coloso, Yangji]

Product Type
Video Course
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Korean, English Subtitles
Release date
Jun 1, 2023
Skill level
2.00 star(s)
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Mastering Portrait Drawing with Colored Pencils

Unlock the secrets of creating captivating portraits with the expertise of the Suxak Painting Room instructor. Experience practical online education without limitations of time and place.
  1. Capturing Facial Features with Precision
    • Draw lifelike portraits with the finesse of colored pencils, evoking the feel of oil paintings.
    • Learn proper techniques to avoid finger soreness and achieve consistent results on paper.
  2. Enhancing Texture and Depth
    • Discover methods to portray facial nuances such as skin texture, hair details, and lip color.
    • Master color combinations, contrast expression, and pencil strength adjustment for a three-dimensional effect.
  3. Naturalistic Rendering from Different Perspectives
    • Develop the ability to depict facial expressions and gender-specific features realistically.
    • Practice sketching, shading, and texturing to refine your drawing technique systematically.
  4. Expressive Illustrations with Unique Techniques
    • Create half-profile figure illustrations using colored pencils as the primary medium.
    • Explore warm colors, contrast, and thick textures to achieve an oil painting-like effect in your portraits.
Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두...jpg
Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두...jpg
Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두...jpg

Foundational Principles of Portrait Drawing

  • Learn essential theories, from basic shapes to advanced shading techniques.
  • Gain insights into conveying emotions and narratives through facial expressions and body language.
Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두...jpg
Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두...jpg
Drawing Portraits with Colored Pencils Achieving Depth and Density Like Oil Paintings - 유화처럼 두...jpg
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