Payment Intro to perspective[KazoneArt, DongHo Kim]

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Intro to perspective[KazoneArt, DongHo Kim]


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GB Organizer
GB Participant
Jul 20, 2023
GBG Credits

Intro to perspective

Product Type
Video Course
Product URL
Dong Ho Kim
Korean, English Sub
Release date
Jul 2, 2023
Skill level
2.00 star(s)
Product Price


Intro to perspective​

The ideal perspective course for beginning and advanced artists​

Learning perspective can be overwhelming. In reality, the majority of students find perspective difficult and not the most enjoyable subject to acquire. Using perspective theory, you will learn how to draw a simple cup, figure, and illustrative scene in this tutorial.

Dong Ho provides a straightforward, step-by-step guide to drawing in perspective, including how to apply simple perspective theory to complex scenes. To get the most out of this informative lesson, we strongly suggest pausing the video and performing the exercises and experiments in front of a screen.

What will I learn
  • Basic perspective
  • Vanishing point & Eye Level
  • Scale & Elevation
  • 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective
  • How to use everyday object as a exercise material
  • How to create a scene using multiple perspectives

Your Instructor​

Dong Ho Kim

Dong Ho Kim is a member of the Superani Team and a Seoul-based artist. He is a former student of Kim Jung Gi and is presently an instructor, live-drawing artist, and author of multiple books published by Superani.
  • Urbank Sketch Volume 1,
  • Urbank Sketch Volume 2,
  • Urbank Sketch Volume 3,
  • New York: Sketch Collection,
  • Spacek Drawing: Perspective
Dong Ho Kim has taught students for over a decade and has written a book on the basic perspective that is geared toward students who are just beginning to sketch or intermediate-level students who desire to learn perspective theory in a more adaptable manner. Through the exclusive course offered by Kazone Art Online, he will share his creative thought process, methods, and techniques for working with a traditional medium.
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I'm really interested in getting this course and have joined the GB. Is there a Forum where we can repost to see if we can get more people to join?
we should promote this GB on OCC.
have a look at

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