Is It Possible to Allow Additional List Buyers to Contribute to Product Payment Completion?


Active member
GB Participant
Jul 23, 2023
GBG Credits
I may be incorrect here on my observation, but I have noticed a bit recently that buyers that are on the additional list don't seem to count towards the completion of payment, which would mean that even if the course has technically reached its required funding, it would still not be distributed until all the members of the primary list has paid.

I am wondering if it would be possible to allow the additional list payments to count towards the goal as well, since, assuming this was by design, I personally feel the way it is now isn't entirely fair to be honest (unless there is specific reasoning for having it set up this way).
I think that even if the members from the additional list aren't currently showing up on the Payment Bar, their payments should still be counted. This means that if the additional list members make their payments and finish the payment process, even if not all the primary members have paid yet, we should still be able to access the course.

I have this belief because of a similar situation with another group purchase I organized a few days ago. The course was called "Create Captivating Characters with Detailed Expressions [COLOSO, Hyulla]." In that case, only 4 primary members had paid, and the total primary members were 7 out of 10. Even though the group was 3 members short, the course still became available. I think this happened because of the payments from additional list members.