Delivered Mastering Black and White Illustrations with Depth Using Lines and Surfaces - 선과 면으로 깊게 표현하는 흑백 일러스트 완성 [Coloso, Sungmoo Heo (Heo Sung-moo)]

If the content delivered already

Mastering Black and White Illustrations with Depth Using Lines and Surfaces - 선과 면으로 깊게 표현하는 흑백 일러스트 완성 [Coloso, Sungmoo Heo (Heo Sung-moo)]

Absolutely. First, we will upload all the GBs in the 'distribution' stage. Next, the 'delivered' GBs that lack the dub will be updated with the new translation (if the official translation is missing) and English dub.