Must-Read A Detailed Guide on How GB Works for Participants

We recommend you familiarize yourself with the following guide before proceeding with these instructions.

How Group Buy Club (GBC) Works: Instructions and Overview

‼️Please take into account that there are different GB states, and depending on that, you can apply different actions‼️
  1. Participants Sign-Up
    In the "Participants Sign-Up" state, any user can freely join the GB and become a participant.

  2. Product Payment
    When a GB is in the "Product Payment" stage, it means that enough participants have joined and the platform is now accepting payments from them.

  3. Product Distribution
    When a GB is labeled as "Product Distribution," the course is currently being purchased/downloaded or uploaded for distribution.

  4. Closed
    The "Closed" state indicates that the GB is temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties or other issues.

Now let's talk about each state in more detail

1. Participants Sign-Up

Participants Sign-Up.png

In every GB, there is a section that displays important details such as the price and the required number of participants. The GB header also has a progress bar on the right side which shows the percentage of sign-ups.

It's important to note that the price and estimated contribution are not the same:
  • The price refers to the amount paid by each participant for the course.
  • While the estimated contribution includes the price and an additional commission for the GB organizer and platform maintenance.
In this above case, the Price is $15, but the Estimated Contribution is $17, so to join the GB, user will be required to pay $17 ($2 to the Organizer and $15 for the course part).
Important note! While migrating from the old workflow to the new one we made participation fees identical for the users to avoid confusion. For example, if initially GB was organized with the $15 participation fee, we made it to $13 to end up with $15 for every participant.

You must click the "Join" button to participate in the GB.

Participants Sign-Up - Loin.png

And in the small window, choose Primary List (if there is an available slot) or Additional List and click "Save"


What is the difference between the Primary and Additional lists?

Primary list users join the GB before the Product payment stage begins. After GB turns from the Participants Sign-up phase, the only available slots to join the GB are in the Additional list.
When a user signs up for GB during the Participants Sign-up or Product Payment stage, the participation fees for both Primary and Additional lists are the same. However, if a user joins GB during the Product Distribution stage, the participation fees are higher because there is no need to wait for organizers to purchase, download, prepare, and distribute the product.

2. Product Payment


When enough sign-ups have been received, GB will automatically proceed to the "Product Payment" stage. At this stage, users can pay for the product by clicking on the "Pay" button and then the "Purchase" button in the confirmation window that appears. The progress bar on the right side of the GB header shows the percentage of payments completed.

3. Product Distribution


This is the final stage of a GB, where participants receive their content. The organizer will share it in the group buy's conversation. To access it, simply click on the "Conversation" button and locate the materials in the chat.
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Hi, I was wondering how to top up via media file or paypal but each time I click the links the page does not load. I have purchased premium several times before via media file, just wondering if there is something else I am meant to do?
Hi, I was wondering how to top up via media file or paypal but each time I click the links the page does not load. I have purchased premium several times before via media file, just wondering if there is something else I am meant to do?
Hello, try again. It should work now.