• ‼️We've done it three times already‼️
    • We were the first to make online learning free, without registration and annoying ads.
    • We were the first to provide subtitles for every single video published on OCC.
    • We were the first to make it possible for everyone to access the best courses for ~10% of the its price on GBC.
    Today, we are delighted to share a SPECIAL GIFT for your summer vacation season: GBC DUB.
    In the coming days, the most popular courses on GBC will be DUBBED into English.
    🤩 Let's go! 🤩

Delivered Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 2 - Body Mechanics [iAnimate]

If the content delivered already

Feature Animation Workshops - Workshop 2 - Body Mechanics [iAnimate]

Hello everyone, we have begun uploading the course onto Mega! To gain access to the materials, kindly make payment now. Thank you.

I am a Primary Participant and I need to make payment for this product. Do I need to transfer 20 USD worth of btc (0.00077 btc) to the given address to get 20 Credits? I am from India so I will be transferring btc using unocoin wallet. Please reply so that I can transfer the crypto.​

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I'm going to be purchasing a 3 month Mediafile premium plan to get workshop 2. Do I send you the voucher code via this thread to gain access to the course material?
please use Conversations by hovering the mouse over my username and pressing the "Start conversation" button.
If I buy a Mediafile Premium 12-month voucher I will get $47 credits, then I can transfer $20 credits to purchase this GB, and get the lessons since it's in PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION? Is this how it works?
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