Delivered The 60-Chapter Anime-Style Character Illustration Class [Illustrator Ekina, Aibek, Myowa, GongHa]

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The 60-Chapter Anime-Style Character Illustration Class [Illustrator Ekina, Aibek, Myowa, GongHa]

Will i be able to pay using Paypal?
Currently, there are two ways to Top-Up your GBC account:
  • Cryptocurrency: This option is accessible to all registered users.
  • Card (Visa/PayPal): This method is exclusively available to "Club members" users, who achieve this status by actively participating on OCС and GBC platforms.
Unless you meet the criteria, you're probably doing Crypto.
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I clicked on join since yesterday and still don't have approval. Is it cuz Im new member?
Plus idk how to use credit since I have no idea how I can pay on GBC
See the comment #27 from Lisrim for available payment options:
Currently, there are two ways to Top-Up your GBC account:
  • Cryptocurrency: This option is accessible to all registered users.
  • Card (Visa/PayPal): This method is exclusively available to "Club members" users, who achieve this status by actively participating on OCС and GBC platforms.
Unless you meet the criteria, you're probably doing Crypto.
Furthermore, they are working on a card-to-crypto payment options (mentioned in the GCC telegram group).

I am currently waiting for this option, since I am also interested in this course. I am afraid that it will be too late to join the group buy, though 🤣.
See the comment #27 from Lisrim for available payment options:

Furthermore, they are working on a card-to-crypto payment options (mentioned in the GCC telegram group).

I am currently waiting for this option, since I am also interested in this course. I am afraid that it will be too late to join the group buy, though 🤣.
non of them gonna work for me so my only option is waiting for card-to-crypto
More like, I preferif I can pay via PayPal ><
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