Transparency on actual paid


New member
GB Participant
Aug 28, 2023
GBG Credits
Hello there,
After watching how this group works for quite sometimes, I don't think anyone mentions of the actual money that you pay for funded course.

Take a look at this course:

Course price: 400$.
20$ per participant and backed by 20 people so 20*20=400 ($)

But the thing is you can frequently buy courses that are on discount on Wingfox and currently they offer 30% discount on every course on wingfox so you only have to pay: 400*0.7= 280 ($)

Well guess what, If I'm the bad guy, don't care about studying, don't care about group benefit, don't absolutely give a *fruck* about whatever value this group built upon, then I will tell you that I buy this course for 400$, take your money, then pay 280$ for Wingfox and ... =]]] you know the rest but let make it a bit humane, let say I will take 120$ to buy medicine for my dying child to make it sound like movie these day =]].

And let say that I have a dying relatives too, I will do this again to make quick money for their medicine and take another 30% differences on plan/actual pay and I save another person with my brilliant plan.

So my suggestion? I don't know to be honest. show the receipt on bought? anything can be photoshoped these day. teach everyone about what this group value so that they don't make money and save their dying relatives (but be honest there are no dying people, this money will be spent on everything you can buy with that money)? good luck with that, even the most intelligent people that can understand literally everything still do terrible things for money, namely wars.
Everything that involve with money and gatekeeping is corrupted at its core. It's a fundamental problem that I highly doubt that you can solve it at its root. every solution will only be a quick way to cover the problem but never touch the actual cause of it.

Hope that you see what happens here on this group.


Current discount:

Hello! We provide the original price of the product to inform you of the upcoming discount expiration. The discount will only be available for 8 more days, and it is unlikely that enough people will gather funds to purchase it by then. However, if the required amount is reached, we will refund those who participated at the original price.
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